Hire SLART for Public Speaking

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Book SLART to speak at your next event – an artist from Swindon with quite a story to tell. At eight years old, he learned something that would shape his entire life: the people he thought were his parents were actually his grandparents. This revelation kicked off a deep journey of self-discovery that still influences his art today.

Like many artists, SLART faced his share of setbacks. His A-level art teacher once told him he “couldn’t draw on a large scale” – a comment that hit so hard, that he put down his paintbrush for two decades. But at 37, something sparked inside him after reading an article about childhood interests, he remembered that drawing was one thing that came naturally to him. He has overcome significant personal challenges including severe social anxiety, two kidney transplants, and the loss of three close family members within five years.

He’s faced his fears more times than you’ve had hot dinners, part of that was standing up in front of 300 people with Paul Mckenna, and setting up a social enterprise to help people with public speaking and social anxiety in London, which is now the world’s largest meetup of its kind.

If you look at SLART’s work now, you’ll see a fascinating mix of ’80s and ’90s pop culture woven together with deeper themes about life, death, and spirituality. He’s not just painting in studios – you’ll find his murals brightening up walls across his hometown, making art that everyone can enjoy.

When SLART speaks at events, he’s not your typical polished presenter. Instead, you get someone real, someone who speaks from the heart about picking yourself up after life knocks you down. He’s living proof that it’s never too late to dust off old dreams and start again.

His artistic heroes tell you a lot about who he is: Jean Dubuffet taught him to break the rules, David Shrigley showed him the power of being yourself, and Keith Haring inspired him to take art to the streets, to make it accessible to all. Through his work and his words, SLART’s message is clear: whatever creative spark you’ve buried, it’s not too late to let it shine.

SLART speaking examples:

BBC Headroom with Ruby Wax

This was a life-changing event. Every fibre of my being wanted to ‘stay safe’ and not go and speak to Ruby Wax that day, but amazing things happen when you face your fears.

Conversation with

SLART and Beth Raps talk about finding the edge.

BBC Points West

SLART and a group of Swindon Artists transform the local community with Swindon’s Largest Mural.

A Conversation with Author Susan Cain

SLART and Susan had a wonderful conversation about shyness, social anxiety, introversion, and the beautiful gift of being sensitive.

Thomas Berryman TV

SLART and Thomas Berryman discuss Art and resilience.

52 Conversations with Janis Hough

Part 1 – Artist SLART shares his transformation from rediscovering art to becoming an outsider artist. In this candid interview with host Janis, Steve reveals how a simple blog post sparked his return to childhood creativity, leading to a unique artistic style that merges personal experience with raw expression.

Part 2 – In this intimate conversation with host Janis, figurative expressionist artist SLART discusses his journey with chronic kidney disease while awaiting his second transplant. Despite ongoing dialysis treatment, he shares an optimistic outlook on his improving health and renewed appetite.

Get in touch to hire SLART for your next event. Whether in person or online, enquire below with your requirements.

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